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Clare Lewey Grad Dip Phys MCSP

Clare Lewey experienced charered physiotherapist witney

Clare Lewey MCSP



Chartered Physiotherapist


Clinical pilates instructor


29 years clinical practice experience


Special interest in

chronic pain management, tendinopathy treatment and post-injury rehabilitation

About Clare Lewey - experienced 
Chartered Physiotherapist


Clare has been working as a private physiotherapist in the Oxfordshire area since 1995.  She runs her own independent practice at Witney Physiotherapy Centre.


Graduating as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 1989 from the Guy’s Hospital School of Physiotherapy, Clare has almost thirty years of experience in physiotherapy practice. She worked in the NHS in London teaching hospitals for three years and then in Australia in both private and public practices for a further year.  On her return to the UK she continued to work for the NHS in London and as the physiotherapist for Rosslyn Park Rugby Club. She further broadened her experience by working in occupational health, with GP practices and as a physiotherapist in private clinics in both London and Oxfordshire.


Clare’s areas of greatest interest are patients with chronic pain and post-injury rehabilitation.  She is a qualified clinical Pilates Instructor and runs regular clinical Pilates classes at various local venues around Witney.  Her combination of the postural and strengthening exercises of the Pilates approach with other clinical physiotherapy treatments enables her to achieve good results with a wide variety of problem conditions.


Clare has trained with the Swiss DolorClast Academy and is certified as an EMS Swiss DolorClast product practitioner for the application of shockwave therapy.


She is a member of the following professional associations: CSP (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy), HPC (Health Professionals Council) PhysioFirst and the APPI (Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute).

chartered society of physiotherapy CSP

'The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy is the professional, educational and trade union body for the UK’s 58,000 chartered physiotherapists, physiotherapy students and associates'

Witney Physiotherapy Centre

Suite 1, Bridge Street Mills

Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 1FX


Telephone: 01993 201485

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